Conventional Commits

A specification for adding human and machine readable meaning to commit messages


type(scope): subject



feat - A New Feature

fix - A bug fix

docs - Changes in documentation

style - Styles changes, formatting, missing semicolons or whitespace

refactor - Code changes that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature

perf - Changes that improve performance

test - Add missing tests

chore or build - Changes to the build process

improvement - Improves a current implementation without adding a new feature or fixing a bug


A scope is provided in paranthesis after a type. A scope is a phrase describing parts of the code affected by the changes. For example "(userservice)"


The subject contains a short description of the applied changes

Body (Optional)

Must begin one blank line after the description. Can provide additional contextual information

Used to indicate breaking changes. For breaking changes the body must start with "BREAKING CHANGE"

Use to reference issues affected by the code changes. For example "Fixes #13"

Can also be used to indicate breaking changes by starting with "BREAKING CHANGE"


feat(store): add purchase order button
docs(readme): document how to get started