Visual Studio

An IDE for the .NET stack


Data Breakpoints

Data breakpoints are used to halt when a variable's value changes

They can be enabled by right-clicking on a variable in the Autos/Locals/Watch window and selecting "Enable Data Breakpoint". The next time that variable changes, the debugger will halt and show you the changes value


The DebuggerDisplay attribute can be used to alter how the debugger shows variables

Add [DebuggerDisplay] to external types

//using System.Diagnostics;

namespace ClassLibrary1
    //[DebuggerDisplay("Foo.Bar={Bar}")] // works too for types you own
    public class Foo
        private int Bar = 42;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using ClassLibrary1;

[assembly: DebuggerDisplay("Foo.Bar={FooDebuggerDisplay.Bar(this)}", Target=typeof(Foo))]

class FooDebuggerDisplay
    public static int Bar(Foo foo) => (int)foo.GetType().GetField("Bar",BindingFlags.Instance|BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(foo);

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var foo = new Foo();

Customizing the Call Stack

You are able to customize the call stack window by right clicking on an item

View Value Returned by a Function

Step to the end closing bracket and view the Autos window, there should be a value that ends with 'returned'. Or you can add $ReturnValue to the watch window.

Format Specifiers can be applied to the $ReturnValue to alter how it is displayed in the output window.

Step into Specific

Allows you to step directly into nested function calls

Trigger an Exception

Use the Immediate Window to set a nullable variables value to null, use that to trigger a null reference exception when stepping though code

Format Specifiers (C#)

Format specifiers can be applied to any variable debugging display, such as the watch window or immediate window. To use a format specifier, enter the varible specifier followed by a comma and then the format specifier. stringWhoShallNotBeNamed,nq


Missing errors in the Editor or Error List

Try deleting the .sou file located at <SolutionFolder>\.vs\<ProjectName>\v16\.sou.

The .sou file contains user-defined solution settings, such as breakpoints and debug options. It can sometimes become corrupted causing erratic behavior.

The file will get recreated when reloading the solution.