
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

Backing Up a Repository

Use git bundle to create a full or partial backup of a repository. The bundle itself functions as a repository so you can restore by cloning the bundle or adding it as a remote.

git bundle create backup.bundle --all
Creating a full git bundle

Shrinking the .git Folder

Use -f to "drop all old deltas".

git repack -a -d --depth=250 --window=250 #-f

git update-index[1]


Useful when you instruct git not to touch a specific file ever because developers should change it. For example, if the main repository upstream hosts some production-ready configuration files and you don’t want to accidentally commit changes to those files, --skip-worktree is exactly what you want.


Assumes that a developer shouldn’t change a file. This flag is meant for improving performance for non-changing folders like SDKs.

Git push fails with 'missing tree'

Not sure what causes this, but one of two things will usually clear it up. Fetch first and then run git push --no-thin or git gc --aggressive --prune=now.

Split Up a Large (feature) Branch