IIS Express

Configuration Info

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    IIS configuration sections.

    For schema documentation, see
    Please make a backup of this file before making any changes to it.

    NOTE: The following environment variables are available to be used
          within this file and are understood by the IIS Express.

          %IIS_USER_HOME% - The IIS Express home directory for the user
          %IIS_SITES_HOME% - The default home directory for sites
          %IIS_BIN% - The location of the IIS Express binaries
          %SYSTEMDRIVE% - The drive letter of %IIS_BIN%

Location of applicationhost.config

Enable Directory Browsing


    <directoryBrowse enabled="true" />

    <sectionGroup name="system.webServer">
      <section name="directoryBrowse" overrideModeDefault="Allow" />

Disable Logging

Comment out the following modules


<!--<add name="HttpLoggingModule" image="%IIS_BIN%\loghttp.dll" />-->
<!--<add name="HttpLoggingModule" lockItem="true" />-->

SSL Support

Use a self-signed certificate

cd "C:\Program Files\IIS Express"
.\IisExpressAdminCmd.exe setupsslUrl -url:https://localhost:443/ -UseSelfSigned